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"I believe in functionality first. However luxurious, elegant, or beautiful, the interior must also be safe and suit the everyday needs of the client."
Terry Disdale

This deck level is called boat deck because TATOOSH’s two large tenders are stowed amidships on port and starboard launching davits. This distinctive design feature makes TATOOSH instantly recognizable.
Julia, a 12.4m / 43’00 Frers racing yacht built by Composite Works, is on the portside while Chase, a 12m /42’60” Hinckley “Talaria” motor yacht, is starboard.
The davits first raise the tenders off their cradles, rotate outwards to ensure good clearance, and are then lower the tender into the water. Chase can be launched in approx. 20 min while Julia takes a bit longer since the centerboard and rigging have to be set up when she is afloat.

Crew Area
Service Area
Guest Area

After Julia has been lifted from here cradle, the davits rotate outwards. When she has good clearance, Julia is lowered into the water. She is boarded via the portside passerelle, the rigging is adjusted and the centerboard lowered into position.

Julia was built by Composite Works, now MB92 La Ciotat, a French builder specializing in hi tech, lightweight performance sailing yachts.

Chase is lifted from her cradle and lowered into the water after the davits have rotated outwards. The mast is then fixed into place. When Chase is fully operational, the off-load hooks are disconnected.

The boat deck houses the daytime zone of the Owner’s apartment. Beautifully decorated with limed oak paneling like most of the guest areas in TATOOSH, the apartment occupies the forward sections of the boat deck and the main deck below. The apartment is connected by private stairs and can be closed off at both deck levels for total privacy.

The daytime area of the Owner’s apartment includes an observation deck overlooking the bow and a large salon forward, a gym opening onto the starboard deck and the Owner’s private study.


Entrance to Owner's Apartment

Observation lounge galley
The observation lounge visibility is the best on any yacht of this size (and protected from the crew foredeck area). The observation area (which includes a small private galley) are ideal for owners who do not want crew intrusion and help make TATOOSH’s layout unique.
A shaded outside deck area is forward of the Owner’s observation lounge. The deck is covered by all-weather awnings that have never needed to be removed in any past cruising, whatever the weather.

Observation lounge

Owner's private study
The spacious boat deck salon was redecorated during the current refit. Electric sliding doors open onto the large aft deck merging the two areas.
Fixed glass windows protect the exterior lounging areas from wind and wrap-around curtains allow the area to be secluded from the outside and also give protection to view the exterior cinema.

Boat deck salon

Boat deck aft

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